Find Out What Amazing Kids Creates for You!
Pre/Post Loop
Our services begin with a pre-service loop, featuring inviting music that sets the perfect atmosphere as kids enter the room. We ensure that the content is parent-friendly, avoiding explicit language or lyrics. The pre-service loop is customized to match the series theme, providing an interactive video that aligns with what the kids will be learning that day. It creates a branded experience for parents as they drop off their children.
Service Bumper
To initiate the service, we introduce a service bumper. The service bumper serves multiple purposes. It acts as a signal for kids to transition from playtime to finding their seats, indicating the start of the service. It is a high-energy and fun countdown, building excitement for the upcoming service.
Emcee / Memory Verse
This video serves a dual purpose. Firstly, it introduces the main topic with a touch of humor or a relatable example, emphasizing critical thinking for the kids. We want them to understand that not everything they hear from a screen or platform is necessarily true, encouraging them to seek truth for themselves. And don’t worry… we always find it together! Secondly, this video also includes the memory verse for the month. Each week, a new host introduces the verse and engages the kids in standing up, repeating, and memorizing it together.
Following this, we transition into the worship segment. Worship holds great significance in kids’ ministry, and our goal is to create an engaging experience. We offer high-energy worship videos with original songs that kids are familiar with. These videos feature dance motions, encouraging kids to worship Jesus with their body, soul, and spirit. Each service includes two songs, one fast and one slow, providing a well-rounded worship experience. We have secured licensing for popular worship songs and recorded our own versions, enabling kids to connect with songs their parents also enjoy.
Our lessons consist of three key elements: the main point, a thought-provoking question, and a Bible story. Each lesson is accompanied by an illustrated video that simplifies complex theological concepts, making them relatable and applicable to the kids’ lives. The lesson content is presented in segmented videos, ensuring a dynamic and engaging experience throughout. We conclude each lesson by inviting the Holy Spirit to speak to the kids, emphasizing the importance of seeking truth through the Bible with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Bible Stories
Regarding our Bible stories, we employ various approaches to keep them engaging without becoming monotonous. Some weeks feature puppet-led stories, while others showcase our own animated Bible stories. Our animation style aims to captivate kids and stimulate their interest in reading the Bible. Our hybrid animated Bible stories combine illustrated characters, scenes, and animated text to encourage kids to actively engage with God’s Word.
Small Group / Large Group
At the end of the service, we incorporate a ministry or small group loop. This slide provides an opportunity for teachers, leaders, and pastors to connect with the kids. If you have the resources for small groups, this slide offers questions for discussion. If not, it can be adapted for large group interactions. Kids can share their thoughts on the lesson, what the Holy Spirit revealed to them, and their prayer needs. Additionally, we offer a game time slide for large group or team-based games, creating a fun and energetic atmosphere.
Overall, Amazing Kids Curriculum aims to alleviate the burden of curating various types of curriculum, allowing you to focus on your pastoral role. We consider ourselves a plug-in pastor, ready to enhance your ministry. So, plug us in and lead your ministry with confidence.”